My kids are growing so fast! I knew they would, and everyone tells you "You'll blink one day and they're off to college."
Whenever I heard that, I'll admit I rolled my eyes, thought to myself it'll be different for us. Try and try as I might time just keeps speeding on. Funny how that concept changes as you get older. Weeks fly by like days, and before I know it a month has passed! Scary sometimes!!
They're growing into such wonderful little people. It's beautiful to see them make choices on their own and to be proud of the results.
I do miss moments of them being small. I'm so glad we had kids in the age of picture and video taking phones! I have tons of short videos of the kids doing normal things. Going through them is so much fun!
One thing that I miss the most is nursing my children. Weird right?!
When I got pregnant with my son, I didn't put much thought into breastfeeding. I knew I was going to, because it was the best start for him. Baby to breast and it just works…right?! I didn't do much reading about hunger cues, proper latch, counting diapers to check supply, all things that are so crucial to early nursing success. I regret that the most.
The first week was a challenge, his latch wasn't great which means there was pain…lots of pain. I made a multitude of first time Mom mistakes and as a result lots of stress.
I stuck with it though, I was determined to make it work because it was still the best thing for him. And guess what?! At six weeks something magical happened. It worked!! His latch was perfect, he was getting a balance of fore milk and hind milk, no more crying because of gas, no more tears on either end.
It was beautiful! I would pump at work and nurse at night. I didn't bother with sleep training or night weaning while I was working. Those late night nursings were some of the best moments. I always nursed him back to sleep, in a rocker, signing him "You are my sunshine" and he fell back to sleep. To this day, he still asks me to sing him "The sunshine song" when I tuck him in at night.
When I got pregnant with my daughter, my son was only 9 months old. The happiest surprise ever! I continued to nurse Corbin until he was 15 months old. I remember so many times I would go in to nurse him back to sleep and the tiny baby in my belly would try kicking her brother off my lap. It made me giggle and swell up with so much love. I was rocking two children, nourishing one at the breast and one in my womb, I felt like a superhero!

When my daughter was born, I expected troubles like the first time around. But to my ultimate surprise she was a natural from the first latch. Her first nursing session lasted 30 minutes! Although she was colic for 5 months, nursing was never an issue. The late night nursing snuggles were just as special, I rocked her in the same chair as her brother, and sang her the same songs. Though her song was "Rock-a-bye-Baby."To this day she asks for 'The Baby song' to tuck her in.
She nursed for almost 27 months. It hasn't been a full year since she weaned, I guess I was seeing the date approach and felt a little nostalgic. Our family is happily complete, so no more nursing babies for me. I'm so glad I took pictures of my children nursing!