I have had lots of people suggest I start a blog. My response has always been "I'll never have the time for that." At the time I really couldn't see that I would have anything meaningful to share. But after all the blogs that I've seen....maybe I could have something worthwhile to post after all! So look at me jumping on the blogging bandwagon!!
So into time! My name is Jessica, I have a husband and two children. I married Hubs when I was 18, we got lots of criticism but almost a decade later we're going strong. We've been through some really interesting adventures. He's the one that coined our moto "Life-Bentures" and truly they have been amazing!
I love cooking and sewing! Pinterest really did change my life! I cook healthier now, we don't use that many processed items and I'm an avid label reader. Though I won't turn down an Oreo!
I'm in such a happy place right now. I'm a Mom. My whole life I have wanted to be the stay at home Mom. I'm beyond lucky my husband supports me in my decision to stay home and just be a mom. It's been interesting, but the rewards are more than I could ever make outside of the home.
I'm not sure where this blog will lead, but it should be an interesting 'benture for sure!!
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