Saturday, August 22, 2015

Most likely the worst blogger ever...

I love the idea of writing blogs. I started this with the intention of being able to write a whole lot more than just a Facebook status. Now that I got rid of Facebook, we've really been secluded to ourselves, not on purpose though!

The hope was to be able to see more people without Facebook. Sounds weird, but why hang out with someone to catch up if you already know what they've been doing for the last week and what they had for breakfast that morning. Leaves really nothing to talk about. I've kept Instagram, which has been working out so much better for me. I love sharing pictures and seeing pictures from other friends.

The Spencer 'Bentures blog needs some attention. Summer break is coming to a close and we have had quite an adventurous one. We've been raising butterflies, loosing teeth, growing out of everything, creating memories, and of course a little travel too.

I'll elaborate more on the summers details in later posts. Gotta stretch it out ;)

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